Episode 95 - Brad Eggert

Brad Eggert, global event safety and security professional and former manager of the County Ice Center and Acord Ice Arenas, joins the Salt Lake 2002 Retrospective podcast and recalls a Pulp Fiction moment, fire alarms and mom driving the Zamboni (recorded 17 March 2021).
Brad Eggert, global event safety and security professional and former manager of the County Ice Center and Acord Ice Arenas, joins the Salt Lake 2002 Retrospective podcast and recalls a Pulp Fiction moment, fire alarms and mom driving the Zamboni (recorded 17 March 2021). 

If you worked on the Games as a staff member, contractor or volunteer and want to share your story please email cnapier@gpfour.com.

Show Notes:

00:26 - Welcome Brad!
04:20 - An odd road to Salt Lake

05:48 - Lake Placid
08:29 - Helping out with test events

12:00 - A paid internship / first impressions of Utah
14:53 - Leadership with training wheels 

17:27 - Transitioning to management
18:46 - Unexpected issues part 1 - adrenaline

22:52 - Unexpected issues part 2 - angry athletes
25:40 - Unexpected issues part 3 - evacuation

29:19 - Brad's parents sleep on an air mattress
33:09 - College 2.0

34:59 - The personal relationships
39:41 - Closing Ceremony

Episode 95 - Brad Eggert
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