Episode 60 - Tori Baker

Salt Lake Film Society CEO Tori Baker joins the Salt Lake 2002 Retrospective podcast to talk about the impacts of COVID-19 on the film industry, working at the TPC and Mitt's response to 9/11 (recorded 7 August 2020). A breakdown of the episode is...

Salt Lake Film Society CEO Tori Baker joins the Salt Lake 2002 Retrospective podcast to talk about the impacts of COVID-19 on the film industry, working at the TPC and Mitt's response to 9/11 (recorded 7 August 2020). A breakdown of the episode is below.

Please be sure to check out our Salt Lake 2002 Retrospective playlist on Spotify. You can also access the playlist and a map to favorite SLOC restaurants here

If you worked on the Games as a staff member, contractor or volunteer and want to share your story please email cnapier@gpfour.com.

00:25 - Welcome Tori!

05:14 - "Absorb the story"
09:27 - Volunteer retention

11:48 - Ceremonies dress rehearsal
13:52 - 200 McDonald's hamburgers

19:04 - Uniform issue resolution
21:16 - Volunteers at the TPC

24:12 - Not much of a breather
26:55 - Tori's journey post-Games

31:21 - Influencers
35:47 - Mitt's 9/11 email

37:45 - Final segment

Episode 60 - Tori Baker
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