Episode 38 - Craig Utian

Project manager extraordinaire Craig Utian joins the Salt Lake 2002 Retrospective podcast to talk with host Christian Napier about airport baggage handling, coming to America and pyrotechnics (recorded 15 June 2020). A breakdown of the episode is...

Project manager extraordinaire Craig Utian joins the Salt Lake 2002 Retrospective podcast to talk with host Christian Napier about airport baggage handling, coming to America and pyrotechnics (recorded 15 June 2020). A breakdown of the episode is below.

Please be sure to check out our Salt Lake 2002 Retrospective playlist on Spotify. You can also access the playlist and a map to favorite SLOC restaurants here. 

If you worked on the Games as a staff member, contractor or volunteer and want to share your story please email cnapier@gpfour.com.

00:27 - Craig joins from Vancouver
03:58 - Kids and COVID-19

05:58 - Getting off the Olympic train
07:56 - From Sydney to SLOC

11:02 - Coming to America (with friends)
13:48 - "Stop telling us how you did it!"

16:50 - 9/11 impact
19:08 - Pyrotechnics

21:57 - Roving during Games-time
24:05 - Key learnings

26:12 - End of Opening Ceremony

31:18 - U2 in concert
33:09 - Squatters
34:41 - Lasting friendships  

Episode 38 - Craig Utian
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